Travel The Highline

To Financial Mastery

Join us at Highline Financial Coaching, where we provide professional financial guidance and advice, empowering you and your family to achieve your financial and investment goals.

Matt DeHart

With over twenty years in financial coaching and real estate, Matt DeHart excels as a family financial coach. He has carefully guided clients through the intricacies of property investment to harness real estate's wealth-building power. Drawing on personal financial experiences, Matt offers compassionate, educational strategies to help families achieve lasting financial success, regardless of their initial financial situation.


Everyone starts this journey at a different point.

Step 1:

Establishing Positive Cash Flow

Modifying your lifestyle entirely and repressing your desires can hinder sustainability. Let’s work together to establish a balance that cultivates positive cash flow and leads us to step 2.

Step 2:

Make Banks Work For You

From interest rate manipulation to identifying when, where and how to move your new found cashflow, we help to advise on which direction will achieve your financial goals in the shortest amount of time.

Lets move to step 3!

Step 3:

Solidify Your Financial Growth

Equipped with the new knowledge of managing your financial standing and the ability to access funding when needed, now you're prepared to create lasting wealth.

We will show guide through the journey, support you at each hurdle and celebrate with you at every success.

You can achieve your goals, we will show you how!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I create a personalized investment plan for my future?

Highline Financial can help you create a personalized investment plan tailored to your financial goals, risk tolerance, and future aspirations.

How can I reduce my tax liabilities while maximizing


Lets Talk. Highline Financial will show you how.

I'm upside down financially. There is no way I can hire someone to help me...

We've helped countless people in this exact situation. Our consultation is free, there is no pushy sales pitch. If we can't provide service to help you get to your goals, we will give you the advice needed for you to take the next step.

I already know how to budget, why do I need a financial coaching?

You may understand budgeting. You may not. Financial literacy and expertise is something few have mastered without hitting rock bottom. Learn from our mistakes and take advantage of the experience our team offers.

I want to buy my first (second, third, tenth) home. Is now a good time?

The best time to buy that house was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.

We'll help you get into a position to achieve this goal much quicker than you may believe. Lets talk today!

How can I schedule an appointment with your

financial consultants?

Click the button below. We'll reach out and schedule a time which works for you.

What People Say About Working With Highline Financial

"I thought I knew finances. I thought I was doing well, but as I continued to learn about Matt and what he did, I realized I needed Matt's expertise and coaching in my life!"

- Andy

"When I was in the weeds of the day to day operating my business, I bumped into Matt who helped us overcome the challenges we were facing in our new business"
- Brad

"Matt took our finances personal. Treated us as if he knew us for years."
- Rob

Contact us today to get started